Markets continued to move down on the back of bad news from all around. Companies around the globe are posting bad results, and latest to join the list are the electronics majors Samsung and Sony. Both of them reported record losses, and further outline the common belief now that the recession has expanded into the main street now.
UK economy offically shrank in the last quarter, and now the world growth targets really look far fetched. GBP has been hammered pretty badly, and currently trades at 1.37 (or 67.70/INR).
Back in India, markets broke their 2700 support levels, and traded below it for most part of the day. However, I have a feeling that we might see a small bounce from these levels in coming days. Not that I have a view that markets are going way up from these levels, but I do not expect too many incremental bad news coming out from India. All the large corporates which have announced their results haven't come out with any 'extraordinary' losses. Results of all the big names like Reliance, Infosys, Bharti, Wipro have been 'not-too-bad'. So, I have a feeling that market may remain range bound at these levels for some time now (in absence of a major worldwide shock).
Strangely, vols aren't picking up. Last time markets were at these levels, vols were at 60s and 70s levels, and this time they are peacefully trading in their 40-50 band. I wont be surprised if we see a down leg in vols towards the 40 support.
UK economy offically shrank in the last quarter, and now the world growth targets really look far fetched. GBP has been hammered pretty badly, and currently trades at 1.37 (or 67.70/INR).
Back in India, markets broke their 2700 support levels, and traded below it for most part of the day. However, I have a feeling that we might see a small bounce from these levels in coming days. Not that I have a view that markets are going way up from these levels, but I do not expect too many incremental bad news coming out from India. All the large corporates which have announced their results haven't come out with any 'extraordinary' losses. Results of all the big names like Reliance, Infosys, Bharti, Wipro have been 'not-too-bad'. So, I have a feeling that market may remain range bound at these levels for some time now (in absence of a major worldwide shock).
Strangely, vols aren't picking up. Last time markets were at these levels, vols were at 60s and 70s levels, and this time they are peacefully trading in their 40-50 band. I wont be surprised if we see a down leg in vols towards the 40 support.
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